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  • Writer's pictureJessica Fahy

You and heroic virtue...(parents read!)

St. Gianna Molla - A saintly role model for mothers of our time!

Did you ever stop to think that practicing heroic virtue doesn't necessarily mean that virtue doesn't have to be practiced in the midst of something big, difficult or life-changing? Sometimes I think we might have a tendency to associate "heroic" with "big" and "great."

Let me share a perspective from St. Faustina about heroic virtue...

"O you small, everyday sacrifices, you are to me like wild flowers which I strew over the feet of my beloved Jesus. I sometimes compare these trifles to the heroic virtues and that is because their enduring nature demands heroism."

[Diary of St. Faustina, paragraph #208]

So what may constitute acts of heroic virtue? Not necessarily always something big (although there are most certainly opportunities to practice heroic virtue in these circumstances too), but small and as St. Faustina uses - trifling - things that happen day-in and day-out and seem almost constant and repetitive.

This may range from so many things we experience in our every day lives:

- That person who constantly tries to bring you down or insult you. Do you handle it virtuously (or try to)?

- The unending "inconveniences" and "interruptions" and "messes" of motherhood and serving those little hands and feet. Do you handle it virtuously, even when things go against your plans?

- A child who seems to be having problems or giving us a difficult time? Do you handle him/her in a loving and merciful and tender way?

- Unexpected sicknesses - or perhaps ones that constitute a medical condition that might not go away. Do you suffer well?

I could go on but I'm sure you get the point. The practice of heroic virtue is something we can cultivate by gracefully handling not just the big things of life, but even those small and trifling things that happen in our day to day. In fact, these small, everyday things will help us to gracefully handle those bigger life-changing and difficult events we all will eventually encounter in life...

"The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones; and the person who is dishonest in very small matters is also dishonest in great ones." [ Luke 16:10]

If we strive to handle with grace all these little trifles, we no doubt will grow in grace and virtue, and will be able to handle more virtuously those bigger things in life. Like St. Faustina said, these "small things," because of their enduring nature, demands a particular heroism.

So remember this parents - as you go about those sometimes "monotonous" duties of caring and tending to your family....there is opportunity for great heroic virtue even in these!


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