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  • Writer's pictureJessica Fahy

Lent is around the corner: How our Lady of Sorrows can help you

And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary his mother: Behold this child is set for the fall, and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be contradicted; And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed. [Luke 2:34-35, DR]

Lent is already around the corner. Have you started thinking about your Lenten practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving? Have you started to consider what you want to work on to bring your soul closer to God?

Before YOU do, let the Lord show you through His Mother.

Just as WE all participate in the redemption of the world here in time only by the merits of Christ on the Cross and the grace He gives to us, so also does Christ give that privilege to our Lady in a more prominent and necessary way. By virtue of the Scripture quoted above and our Lady's role in our salvation, we may pray to her to know our underlying motives and faults that are creating obstacles in our relationship with her Son. Like a loving mother would, she can help us to know what it is in our souls that is putting a block in our path to union with Jesus.

Who can detect heedless failings? Cleanse me from my unknown faults. [Psalm 19:12]

We may think we know much about ourselves, but God knows more. Appealing to our Lady of Sorrows ("thy own soul a sword shall pierce") will help us better discern hidden motives, obstacles, sins and imperfections ("that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed") that hinder our union with her Son. While the primary meaning of these Scripture verses refer to Christ, they also secondarily point us to our Lady's role in our sanctification: Her constant pointing us and leading us to Her Son. Just as we have friends here on earth that help us do that, by virtue of the communion of saints, so too do we have those heavenly friends who have gone before us - the saints. And above all, our Lady.

So, instead of giving up the typical chocolate or soda, start praying to Our Lady of Sorrows today, asking her to reveal to you what it is that God desires you to improve upon this Lenten season - what area of virtue to build up or what area of sin or vice to vanquish. Do that every day until the Lord reveals what He is asking of you. At this moment in time, at this precise state of life you are in, the Holy Spirit knows exactly what you need to do that will bear the most fruit for your sanctification. This is what you are asking our Lady to intercede for and help you know.

Then, make that your Lenten resolution.

Oh, and p.s., at least for myself, when I've done this, the answer I received was never what I expected or would have thought of myself, yet it was always exactly what was right and necessary. Thinking about this always leaves me in awe. See, God knows us better than we know ourselves! Have a humble and sincere heart and you will be shown what God asks of you this Lenten season. :)

Here is a great 12 minute talk to learn more about this devotion.

"Do whatever He tells you."

~ Words uttered by Our Lady,

John 2:5


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