It's been a couple weeks since I've written anything and that's because I just haven't felt inspired to write about anything in particular...well I have, but I'm waiting on the Lord for that to come together. In the mean time, I thought I'd at least share a little about what's going on around here. Hope I don't bore you too much!
February is typically a month in which things drag out and slow down a bit...and dragged out it has been.
Does anyone else struggle in winter time with a house full of children, limited time outside, and shorter days of sunlight? Either the days here are really nice, or they're SO. LONG.
My car went in the shop last week for almost a whole week. I was thrown into a panic as I was driving and all of a sudden the warning light in my car went on: "LOW OIL PRESSURE. STOP ENGINE IMMEDIATELY." ...IMMEDIATELY?! Literally? Here? Right now? That week was long. And it made me more grateful for a car to tote the kids around in!
It worked out that I had decided the week before to take a break from homeschooling Joseph in order for him to pursue other interests because by the time Wednesday came, I decided to throw out the whole concept of a regular routine. "That's it! I will have no plans or 'things I have to do' except enjoy my children and focus on our relationships" (because I was pretty fail in the area of patience with the kids up to that point). I knew if I'd kept with the regular schedule, I'd just continue to sound like a barking dog at my children. It wasn't worth it. This wasn't even because I didn't have a was just because I hit a rut and the days had been seeming long. Thank goodness for my parents who had been coming over every Thursday night to help me out with the kids during Bill's varisty coaching season. And thank the Lord that Bill ended up having off that Friday. He sent me off (with Ronan since the little guy's still nursing) for a half day by myself to refresh and relax. So I went where any other mother with a baby would go for a break: Their parents' house. There, I basked in the eerie silence and stillness of the house. I actually read more than 5 pages of a book. And my favorite part: While my parents watched Ronan, I got to go to the adoration chapel and later that day, went to the Stations of the Cross with my mom (a little mommy-daughter time that was much overdue).
The next day, I was a new woman. Bill joked that "whenever mommy is just sprawled out on her boys' bedroom floor, it might be time for a half day retreat." (I guess it is a sign when I walk away from the kids out of frustration to avoid yelling at them. In this instance, instead of that, I screamed out loud to no one like a crazy person as I walked into their room, closed the door and just layed on the floor with my arms and legs stretched out while staring blankly at the ceiling. Five minutes later Joseph walks in: "Mommy?").
But wow what a difference that "retreat" time made for me! It made me realize how overdue I am for a real retreat! It's been a few years. But it's so hard to do when you're either nursing a baby or you're pregnant, which I've been in a constant state of between the both of those... :P
Anyway, the Lord is so good. He made me right. Everything is back to normal now and our car is totally fine.
Ok, quick bits about what's going on around here...
- Joseph is doing a little introduction to wood carving by doing soap carving. He really enjoys it and it's a great thing for him in many ways. We also signed him up for teaball which starts in April!
We are setting aside our usual homeschool routine for a few weeks just to use that time in other ways for Joseph to pursure other interests and enjoyments (like look at his rock collection with his microscope or do science and weather experiments). I also wanted to switch it up by having him read from a book instead of doing the reading lessons. For about ten minutes I'll also read aloud to him from a book of short stories called Adventure Land; it would normally be difficult to do this with Teresa and John-Paul around since it's not a picture book.

- John-Paul seems to be entering into a new maturity phase. It's really cute to see his little personality starting to mature, especially his sense of humor! He also seems to be coming out as quite a sharp dresser; it's not uncommon that he might choose to wear sweater vests, button-ups or t-shirts with ties throughout the day... He's also taken up Joseph's old morning chore of feeding our cat Cheddar. Now Joseph does the dishes in the morning.

Why we call John-Paul Mr. Snuggles... Do not be deceived by his tough and rambunctious side
- Teresa just had her second birthday. We did a mini celebration with just us and later we'll do one with more of the family. She was thrilled when she got a new pair of sneakers (the girl loves accessories - shoes, hats, sunglasses, etc...). Teresa is also learning very quickly how to keep her own among a brood of brothers. She's often the one to instigate wrestling with them! At the same time, her "motherly side" is coming out more, which is so cute.

Teresa started this wrestling match...

Helping me make her birthday dessert...which she mostly just ate as I made it

- Ronan has been sitting up on his own now. He's getting so big! He's such a pleasant and happy baby. Joseph really enjoys walking around and holding Ronan (as long as I'm right there). They have a special bond.

Such a pleasant little guy

How I survive these long days during Bill's coaching season. This backpack carrier is something I could not do without!
This Lent, the oldest have a particular resolution they're working on. I'm doing it right with them: A sad face goes on the paper when I don't do good that day, and a cross for when I do well with it. They're doing so-so with the resolutions. I think the hardest part is remembering to remind them to keep at it (because as little kids, they're not going to think twice most of the time...). So they're totally receptive, docile, and willing, it's just mommy who's slacking in encouraging and reminding. I just have to keep trying and doing my best. (Sometimes that's so hard to do when you feel like you yourself are doing such a horrible job; but all we can do is keep our gaze on Christ and not on our inadequacies and keep trying!)
The boys enjoy acting out the Stations of the Cross. It's definitely they're favorite devotion by far. Here's a picture of our family altar during the Lenten season:

Helping his little brother...
We've also been on a cleaning spree. Once a week we'll do a deep cleaning of some area of the house. It's united with a spiritual purpose of "cleaning our souls to make them pure" for the Lord. Joseph was a huge help. I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel where mommy isn't the one doing nearly everything because now Joseph is beginning to arrive at an age where he is actually a huge help with tasks. (You know how you really want to sometimes invite your little kids in on the action because you know it's a good thing for them to be involved for many reasons, yet your involvement of them actually makes it twice the work? Well, now it's beginning to be less so with Joseph. Yay! I can breathe a little more!)

We pulled everything out.

Playing "you can't find me"

Tackling this dirty utility room...

THIS kind of clean...

Just chillin' and watching us

Was getting into everything...

Cleaned in this self-picked outfit
I'm listening to...
"Good Good Father" by Chris Tomlin (for like the past two months...constantly...) Here's the youtube song:
"The Mason Jar" podcast from the CiRCE Insitute. A series hosted by David Kern and Cindy Rollins that talks about Charlotte Mason-style homeschooling. Love it so far!
"Homeschool Snapshots" by Pam Barnhill. A look into the homeschooling days of homeschooling moms as well as different topics a homeschooling mom might be interested in (like discipline, relationships, putting first things first, different styles of homeschooling, etc...)
Divine Intimacy radio podcast is a constant of mine. Gives me that much-needed spiritual nourishment!
I'm reading...
The Life of Saint Teresa of Avila - An autobiography St. Teresa of Avila wrote under obedience to the request of her superiors and confessor. Wow is this inspiring! She is definitely my favorite saint! I feel such a connection with her (and not because my spiritual life somewhat matches up with hers...oh no! Wow - not. at. ALL).
The Four Temperaments by Fr. Conrad Hock - Since this is an older book (written in 1934), you can download and print this for yourself. This book gives great coverage of the four temperaments from a spiritual perspective so that you can grow in the spiritual life and also better understand those with whom you live. Bill and I are reading a little each night during Lent. I love the jokes we crack at each other when we come across our own personal temperaments!
Excited for...
The upcoming Catholic Homeschool conference hosted by Immaculate Heart of Mary. It's April 1 and you should go! These are kind of like little retreats to be honest.
A (highly possible) vacation out to western New York to visit our Aunt and Uncle whom we haven't seen in a long time. The kids have been developing such a love for nature and the outdoors too, so we're sure they will love the great outdoors there (as opposed to New Jersey's flat, surrounding landscape of powerlines and buildings in the most densely populated state in the nation). Can't wait!
The warmer weather!
Ok, I've rambled on quite enough....that's all for now! Have a blessed day! :) May you grow closer to our Lord during this Lenten season!