Wow! Where did summer go? It flew by! How did your summer go?
Thought I'd share some highlights from our summer in picures...

Summer "officially" began after Bill's last day of teaching, so we kicked off with some lame karaoke hosted by myself, backyard games, and just good old family time outside.

We took the kids to Storybook Land. Although John-Paul likes the nursery rhyme Humpty-Dumpty, I think he was a bit creeped out by this...

I fulfilled my dream of going on the kiddie swings...

Creepy old Mother Goose.

Ronan learned to walk, now he's toddling all over the place and very proud of himself!

4-H Fair

Blueberry picking

Lots of outdoor time...

Our first garden came in nice this year, although Ronan did eat about half of the tomatoes before they were mature! Little stinker...

Going out on the creek

The kids got a taste of Irish riverdancing and got really into it!

We completed our family consecration to Jesus through Mary on the feast of the Assumption and we brought roses to our Lady.

Bill and I got to have a few date nights together, including our trip to Gettyburg WITHOUT KIDS and a wedding!

We went to the Our Lady fo Fatima shrine with our friends and their children...

The kids roaming the grounds..

They played Stations of the Cross together.

Although our families prayed the Rosary together at the Rosary Garden, this is mostly what the kids did!

We also took a trip to the Our Lady of Czestochowa shrine...

John-Paul wanted us to take a picture of he and his patron saint, St. John Paul II.

Although this looks very peaceful, Teresa actually ended up throwing a tantrum because we wouldn't let her pull all the Rosaries down from the wall. This shrine pilgrimage was a day of very little prayer - maybe 2 minutes at most (imagine going with 4 little kids!) and lots of sacrifice (it was SO humid and hot, Teresa wet her pants through her diaper because we were making sure the kids got tons of water, and Bill and I were exhausted!). This is just the best we can do right now with little kids, haha

Ronan got his first haircut

Bill and I were invited to share our conversion story on Catholic radio and talk about other things - date TBA soon, within the next couple weeks. I'll keep you posted!

We had a few birthday celebrations, including Ronan and Joseph's. Here is Ronan posing with his patron saint, St. Maximilian Kolbe.

And we spent lots of time with our family!
Well, that's our summer in pics! We hope you had a fantastic summer!

Oh, and one more thing, can you guess the good news??? Why would we exchange our sporty GMC Acadia for one of these big puppies??...

We are expecting our fifth child! The Lord certainly has a plan and we are so happy and grateful for another blessing. :) Please keep me and the baby in your prayers!