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  • Writer's pictureJessica Fahy

Starting a New Blog

Everyone in the world has a blog (almost). And now that I have stepped down from the youth ministry, I am doing whatever I can at my state in life to still help evangelize and build up the Church. Sooooo...a blog! (Plus whenever I use Facebook to post a "note," I always gives me some type of technical or script issue - so something that may only take 15 minutes, always takes extra time because of those things lol) I will have no regular system to this, I'll just be adding to it whenever the Lord puts something on my heart...and whenever I have time!

On another note...

There's a big problem among Catholics today and that is that many don't know about the beauty and fulfilling joy of living out the Catholic faith. I wish only every Christian knew it!! Today, sadly, being Catholic is typically seen as something bland, boring, old-fashioned and "out-of-touch." The connection of how to live out what we believe seems to be missing for many and so as a result, we act almost no differently than non-believers. I know this was my own personal experience growing never "clicked" with me until I opened myself up fully and wholeheartedly to God's grace. It took a painful and vulnerable time in my life to get me to that point of surrender though. Sometimes God has to allow those painful times to finally get our prideful, "self-sufficient" selves onto our knees and help us realize our complete and entire dependence upon Him in all things. Now sometimes, it's not our fault that we have this "disconnect" with our faith because maybe we never had anyone in our lives who vividly modeled true discipleship of Christ. This is why we need one another in the Body of Christ. This is why no one can typically grow closer to God in solitude and isolation. After my conversion, the Lord had "conveniently" put 2 people directly in my life to help me along this path of discipleship. To this day, I am so grateful to God for my college campus minister and his wife.

Jesus tells us that we are not of this world, that we belong to Him, and are meant to be consecrated, set apart, to live lives that are radically different from the world.

My hope is that through this little blog, I can bring more glory to God and help others in my little corner of the world understand and see the beauty of the Catholic faith and how to practically live it out in daily life! :)

As Jesus prayed to God His Father for us:

"They do not belong to the world any more than I belong to the world. Consecrate them in the truth. Your word is truth." - John 17:16-17

"You will know the truth and the truth will set you free." - John 8:32


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