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  • Writer's pictureJessica Fahy

For as long as you draw breath...

For the glory and honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

If you have a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I invite you to get it out and meditate upon the image as you read this. If you don't, here's one for you!

For as long as you draw breath, I will draw you to Myself by bands of love.

For as long as you draw breath, I will be fighting for your soul.

For as long as you draw breath, My Mother will be pleading for your salvation and sanctification.

For as long as you draw breath, all My blessed in heaven will be offering fervent and fragrant prayers that will rise as incence before My throne.

For as long as you draw breath, I will be faithful to you.

For as long as you draw breath, My mercy is being offered to you.

For as long as you draw breath, I will never abandon you.

For as long as you draw breath, I will be your source of living water to refresh your weary and parched soul.

For as long as you draw breath, the hope that lies in Me is yours.

For as long as you draw breath, I will yearn to forgive you after every transgression.

For as long as you draw breath, my Heart will burn with love for you.

Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

The Lord is always offering to us the invitation to grace. He stands knocking, waiting. The Lord has never written us off no matter how far we have strayed and no matter the mess we have made.

Instead, it is we who write God off; we assume He no longer desires us. We assume He can no longer forgive us. We assume He cannot work miracles in our lives anymore...

O soul, you are wrong! How deeply the Lord loves you! How tirelessly He waits for you! O how He burns for you with the fire of Divine Love which consumes His Sacred Heart! He wants to rejoice endlessly with you in heaven and wants to confer the Kingdom of God within you while you dwell here on earth! His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity yearn to forgive you and wash you clean!

Won't you respond? Won't you repent and run to Him, your Savior? How long will you delay your own conversion? How long will you risk your salvation? Why do you ignore Him? Why do you neglect Him? When will you give Him the chance?

How long will you withold yourself from experiencing the incredible love and tenderness of God which far surpasses anything this world has to offer?

"Behold, I make all things new."

- Revelation 21:5

May the Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament be praised, adored, and loved with grateful affection at every moment in all the tabernacles of the world, even until the end of time.


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