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  • Writer's pictureJessica Fahy

Happy Mother's day! & mom stuff lately :)

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! St. John Paul II once told a mother - while standing next to a high-ranking statesmen who was her husband - that she really had the most important job in the world! John Paul II truly understood the vocation and the impact mothers have not only on their own children but civilization. He had a deep respect for women and mothers and of course a great reverence and affection for his own mother.

So Happy Mother's Day to all mamas out there! May we continue to strive to imitate our Lady and seek God's grace to become the Mothers the Lord wants us to be!

Mom Shtuff

For me personally, I can appreciate reading the blogs of other mothers and the mom things they write about. I am always inspired by the godly women out there, their insight and wisdom, and appreciate the things they share. So because I learn a lot from them and find what they share helpful, I thought I'd share some mom shtuff too :)

What I'm Reading Now...

  • The Imitation of Mary by the monk Thomas a Kempis - You may have heard of the book The Imitation of Christ (which is very beautiful); well he also wrote a book on our Lady. So during the month of May, our Lady's month, I have decided to use this as my meditation during my prayer in the morning.

  • The Latin Mass Explained by Msgr. George J. Moorman - Being that we started attending the Latin Mass for about a year and that I don't know Latin, I can't really follow along with the Latin-English missal our parish provides because, well, we have multiple little children that come to Mass with us. I usually end up juggling Teresa with Bill and we switch/manage the children throughout Mass; so because of this, peacefully holding a missal in my hand ain't happening. So I'm taking strides to more deeply understand the nature of the Latin prayers they say at Mass and look for those "key movements" that the priest does to know round-about what's happening on the altar of God. In this way, while I can't know word-for-word the prayers we are saying, I know what they're about and I can unite myself with them and offer my aspirations in union with the priest and people. It's helping and I'm learning a lot.

  • Discipline that Lasts a Lifetime by Dr. Ray Guarendi - In general, I've moved to reading three books at one time; one spiritual, one that's focused on my vocation (so one that's on being a good Catholic wife or mother), and then one that's in-the-mix, such as perhaps on homeschooling or whatever else might draw my attention. This is one to help my vocation as a mother (in case you didn't figure that out!) :P

Reading with the Kids...

I recently came across 2 great books the boys LOVE and I got them at a yard sale! :) They're the ones pictures below. Cracks me up about the book called The Biggest Bear because I cannot picture a children's book being written like this today - how dare we expose them to anything guns! This one was written in 1959. The boys were glued as I read them.

At breakfast, I typically read a short story from Leading the Little Ones to Mary and during our read aloud time, something from This is Our Family. It's a cute, old-fashioned book with short, enchanting stories of children and their family. (I like old-fashioned, can you tell? lol But there's a lot of great newer books too).

At the end of the day, either Bill or I (or both of us) will hop in bed with Joseph and John-Paul and read from a chapter book just 5-10 minutes each night. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is the one we started with and they love it; we're up to chapter 17 and they always want us to keep reading...I can't wait to tell them there's a movie about it and then watch it together when we're finished the book! Good old Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Ronald Dahl.

Talks/Podcasts I Recently Listened to...

Read Aloud Revival Podcast #25 - When Kids are Whiny and other questions you're asking... - I am a big fan of Sarah McKenzie because she's so inspiring and upbeat!

Tim Staples and the Real Presence in the Eucharist - Fantastic 11 minute summary of why Catholics believe, from Scripture, Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist.

Mary and Scripture - A great 11 minute video helping us to understand Mary in Scripture.

HIStory is All About the Mass of Christ - An inspiring talk about just how vital the Mass is in the spiritual battle of our day.

St. Alphonsus Liguori - An inspiring homily about St. Alphonsus Liguori

How to Actively Participate in the Mass - Reveals just how incredible the effect of one Mass well-participated in has upon the sanctity and spiritual battle going on in the world. (If you wonder one reason why you go to Mass, listen to this!)

Blogs I was recently inspired by...

Charlotte Mason's 20 Principles - For as I learn more about classical education and the Charlotte Mason way....definitely feeling this is how I'm being lead to homeschool

Mom Highlights...

  • Our addition is almost done so now it's time to furniture hunt and get some stuff to prepare for our new baby! Picked up a new basinette for $10 at a yard sale yesterday! woo-hoo! LOVE yard sales and thrift stores!

  • We picked a baby name for our little boy due July 23! x)

  • Was SO inspired by the speakers and moms I chatted with at the recent homeschool conference I attended at our parish! (Came home with TONS of books too!)

  • Joey hosed off and wiped down our nasty, dusty fans that we had stored up in the attic (he did a great job too!) Summer season around the corner!

  • Teresa has started a new stage of livin' on her brothers, literally giving them full body hugs and tons of kisses. The boys LOVE it and get such a kick out of it! Plusit's so adorable!

  • It's been so beautiful to see John-Paul slowly go through a maturity stage; I've noticed how he's become so attentive to his little sister by getting her blanket for her or taking her shoes off for her when we come in from outside (and all without my asking either). It's so sweet.

  • I FINALLY made a morning time binder to stay a bit more organized!

Let me share something - this concept of "Morning Time" (or "Circle Time"...whatever you prefer to call it) is something I kept coming across ever since Joey was 3. It was something that always interested me and I was always drawn to do, but practically, nothing ever seemed to remain consistent or "settle" with our routine. I would try and fail, try something else and fail... (Repeat cycle). I knew I wanted to, in time, do something consistent like this but had a hard time figuring out what it should look like for our family. Then I recently (about a month ago) came across this podcast by Cindy Rollins, The Long Haul: On Morning Time, that helped me so much understand the deeper impact of a "Morning Time" and your family culture. So we've been doing it for a few weeks consistently and it's very simple...anywhere from 20-30 minutes and I always keep the kids' hands busy with some kind of quiet activity like coloring, building blocks, playdough, etc... It's been great! The goal isn't every morning, but consistency during the week. One of the things we do is sing a hymn. So far, we've been singing "Jesus, My Lord, my God, my All." I plan to do this until it's memorized and permeated in their soul (so I guess for a few months?). The point isn't the goal of memorization itself, but letting the little things we do during Morning Time soak deeply in their minds and hearts until we can move on to learning something new. Friday we went to daily Mass and after Holy Communion, the priest began singing this exact hymn we've been learning. The kids stood up, so proud, and began belting it out in the huge, echoing church; it was so beautiful, I actually began to tear up a bit (typical mom move). But it was so precious and it felt like one of those affirmations God sends your way when you doubt yourself about being a good mom (typical mom-emotion). In Morning Time, I also include a prayer for them to learn by heart (and I'll alternate that with short Scripture passages so it's not just verses, but context too). They're learning the Apostles' Creed and we're about halfway through; but again, it's not about getting through but letting it permeate and "stick" to their hearts. We do a few other hodgepodge stuff and read a poem too; I keep it gentle and when I sense we can't get through everything or it's becoming stressful for whatever reason, I just leave it alone and shift gears. But "Morning Time" is a super flexible thing and of course, you can manipulate it any way you want to best fit your children and daily routine. It's great. It doesn't always go perfectly (aka the boys fighting over the Lincoln Logs the other day and Joey marching off to the couch because of how mad he got about it), but it's been a blessing to our daily routine. It only took me 2 years to get to this point! haha

Mom Struggles...

  • Adjusting my discipline with the kids (mainly the boys since Teresa is still so little)

  • Being patient (ongoing struggle...)

  • Struggled with John-Paul in keeping his rest time; he kept getting up out of bed and playing during his naps....but thankfully, I remained persistent and gave him clear consequences and we seem to have cleared that road block. (Phew! He's only 3 and growing and constantly active child...he needs his naps...or at least to settle down and rest for a bit).

  • Stopped going to daily Mass about a month ago :( I just felt it was getting too difficult. The local parish's cry room had been nothing but a silent box for 3 months and even though we tried to stick it out, or go into the main church, until the fixed it, I noticed it was starting to breed bad habits during Mass in my boys. I try to teach the children how to behave in Mass and make them aware of the awesome Mysteries that take place in the Mass....buuuuuuttt that's hard to do when you can't hear anything. So now we journey once a week to St. Peter's and despite my fears, it's actually worked out much better. I am not kidding you when I tell you that the boys ask at least 3 mornings out of the week if we're going to Mass; then they proceed to tell me they like going to Mass because they love Jesus. (Maybe it's just because they're still so little? But I'm praying this love of the Mass only grows!) It's amazing...What took me 20 years of my life to figure out, i.e. That we go to Mass because we love our Lord, they knew by the time they were 3.... It's not "because we have to" or "because we say so" but it's because "we love the Lord and want to show Him." Praying this love only grows and trusting in the Lord!

  • Staying awake to read at night... I wish I had more time to read! But I'm pooped typically at 9:30...

  • Letting the messes of dishes and dinner and laundry sit for a bit to enjoy doing more things with my children and Bill. Jess, it does NOT always have to get done immediately. The mess will be there for you after you're done... (So difficult for a neat freak like myself...sometimes I think I feel my right eye twitch over it...)

Anyway, that's the Mom Stuff this time around! God bless and have a wonderful and blessed Mother's Day!


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