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  • Writer's pictureJessica Fahy

How we do Santa Claus

I remember when Bill and I first got married, we had some things set in our mind about how we'd handle different holidays, especially those with a large secular influence...and then...we had kids.

After 5 years, we've finally figured out how to steer this whole Santa Claus thing. Here's what we do:

- We call him St. Nicholas, always. When his other name, Santa Claus, comes up, we tell our children it's just another name for St. Nicholas.

- We explain who St. Nicholas was using various books and DVD's. Here's a great booklist. Also, we have this DVD, "Nicholas: The Boy who Became Santa."

- We tell our children that St. Nicholas gives us gifts because he wants us to understand the generosity and loving care of Jesus.

- We avoid the commercialism and materialism on the radio and television. Actually, we don't have cable so that helps a lot with all the commercials and overkill Christmas programs.

- We limit more secular concepts of Christmas and Santa portrayed in movies....I say limit because there still are really cute Christmas movies out there, but we just don't go crazy with them so as to distract from the true meaning.

- We don't always ask our children "what they want for Christmas." We don't make a big deal of the gifts and we also limit the gifts to three per child, in imitation of the three gifts the wise men brought when they came to adore the Infant Jesus. (Also, "Santa" doesn't bring all the gifts; most of them come from us. St. Nicholas gives them one gift - either each or it's a bigger one that they share.) Instead of asking what the kids want for Christmas, we ask them what they're doing for the Baby Jesus. These things avoid that self-centered and greedy attitude that can easily infect children around this holiday. And if it doesn't full out infect the child, it will definitely distract the child from the true focus of Christmas. We celebrate Christmas for the Lord, not for us. And if it's for us, it's in thanksgiving to Him for loving us so much that He just couldn't hold Himself back in heaven any longer and had to become one of us to redeeem us by the precious gift of His life!

Instead of focusing on Santa Claus throughout the days leading up to Christmas, we direct all attention to the Child Jesus. Santa Claus, or St. Nicholas as we call him, is merely a means to an end: Jesus. We have St. Nicholas to help us understand the generosity and love of Christ, who is the best gift.

So that's how we're dealing with Santa! And it seems to be working so far. :)

Have Merry Christmas!


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