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  • Writer's pictureJessica Fahy

Snapshots from around the Fahy home in 25 pictures

Things that have been going on around here told in pictures... usual...

...soldier processions while singing hymns...

...this is our simple family prayer "altar" for the Easter season...We changed the picture to the Divine Mercy image when it was Divine Mercy Sunday...

....lots of reading, outside!...

...and coloring too...

...flying rubberband airplanes...

...doing the one thing I'm good at, drinking lots of coffee...

....posing for JC Penny catalogs...

...put in a garden bed...

...climbing Redwood trees after reading books about them...

...the boys are "pen-paling" with a seminarian from the FSSP out at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary...

...being a mom trying to take multiple little children on nature hikes (Ronan's on my back)...

...yep, we like hiking!...

...climbing dead trees blown over from last summer's storm...

...John-Paul's been contemplating life...

...Teresa likes holding John-Paul's hand when we go places...

...the boys have been staying up past bedtime together ("secretly") and stowing all their holy pictures and prayer cards and their notebooks under the pillows. Here I walked in on the crime scene...

...Teresa's been just doing whatever her brother's are doing...

...fighting vacuum cleaners, saving the world, you know...typical day...

....lots of outside time...

...getting close to nature...(minus the random grafitti tree in the background?)...

...still doing our Morning Time routine...

....I'm still cooking...

...Ronan's just being Ronan...

Well, as you can see, everything's pretty simple around here but everyone's doing well and life is beautiful :) I think one of the greatest things about homeschooling is how you can totally adjust the schedule to fit your family and the things that are most important to you, rather than the other way around. So, being that it's been so nice and we have some nicer weather ahead, being outside and going on nature hikes are a priority and we have some little trips planned up ahead!

We've also switched gears a little with Joseph's schooling to enjoy this wonderful weather... we're focusing more on just reading enjoyable books and learning about things that interest him. I've also started to do more ABC games with the younger two kids (something I didn't really do other than pointing out letters as we read books). Oh they're having a blast with it!

Joseph and John-Paul are starting teeball (wow they're getting so big!)

I received a little inspiration talking to a sister in Christ, Kelly, after Mass the other weekend. She got me more motivated to reconsider the idea of a clear-cut family rule list; it's been on my mind but the concept has always seemed unappealing and "unnatural" to me, until lately that is. The kids are very well-behaved, don't get me wrong, but I'm sure things could go smoother (not perfect, but smoother...if we're more clear and consistent about our expectations). So Bill and I have been talking about it and I had the kids come up with some rules they could follow so "we could make sure our home is as peaceful and happy as possible." They had some great suggestions actually. So Bill and I are going to talk more about it, especially consequences for breaking them, and have a little "family meeting" (informal over dinner probably) about it. In the mean time, check out Kelly's posts on obedience and discipline - they're great!

I've created a meal planning binder with our family's favorite recipes...just to make my life easier. It also has all our family's monthly meal plans from the past as well as transitioning recipes as I [slowly] attempt to move our family more in the direction of a whole foods diet. So far, I've found homemade yogurt, homemade granola bars, and homemade mayo worth making. There's no rush with the transition, it's just little adjustments at a time. Bye-bye white flour and regular pasta and refined sugar (I guess except for special occasions!).

Bill also made a garden bed for that's a whole other foreign subject...a little at a time though. At this point, I just want it to be something enjoyable for me and the kids to do and learn about. No pressure because I have no expectations! haha

Ok, that's all for now!

Hope you are doing well and are having a blessed Easter season!


The Fahy Family


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