"But forasmuch as the Lord is patient, let us be penitent for this same thing, and with many tears let us beg his pardon." [Judith 8:14]

As a quick introductory note: Why am I writing this? To be straightforward, it's because soon we may have a harder time finding a priest because the Church will very likely go underground in a short while. Any Catholic who is awake to these times knows very clearly what is just around the corner: Hard persecution of the Church in America.
Right now, it is a "soft" persecution.
God is Patient and Merciful...
God is patient with us through our sinfulness. He patiently awaits our return into His Loving embrace whether we've been away from Him for decades or whether our fall was just moments ago.
He awaits our repentance; in a way, He waits to rejoice...
"I say to you that even so there shall be more joy in heaven upon one sinner that does penance, than upon ninety-nine just who need not penance." [Luke 15:7]
God is patient with us.
Yet let not His patience be the reason we delay our conversion.
"Delay not your conversion. Put it not off from day to day." [Ecclesiasticus 5:7]
Who is waiting? Who says in their heart, "Maybe after this passes, I'll stop doing that..." or "When I'm older or am ready to get married, I'll go to Confession" or "Tomorrow I'll stop."
No - NOW. Delay not your conversion.
Jesus told the Apostles, of whom priests are their successors:
"Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained." [John 20:23]
Immediately before Jesus said that, He breathed on them and said "Receive the Holy Spirit."
Whenever this phrase is used in Scripture, particularly when Scripture notes that Jesus breathes on them - it is an expression of God conferring His power. ONLY God can forgive sins, and He has desired that is be done through His physical representatives on earth - His priests - who participate in Jesus' priesthood.
Have you been away from the Sacrament of Confession? How can you be assured that you're in a state of grace? Those that die in unrepentant mortal sin, go to hell. This is a plain teaching that many Catholics, because it's easier, prefer to ignore or reject.
We see the state of the world - why are we presuming on God's patience and delaying our return to Confession? Who knows what will happen tomorrow, as things change quicker than the wind.
Here is a link for a thorough examination of conscience - cleanse your soul! You will feel free. And be warned that once you decide you'd like to return to Confession, the devil will try to instill you with fear, nervousness and anxiety and try to interrupt those plans because he wants to keep souls ensnared in sin. If you doubt me - watch this happen to you.
Find a priest locally who is hearing Confessions. (Sadly, some will not hear confessions even right now and we need to pray for these priests). And soon, we may have a harder time finding a priest because the Church will very likely go underground in a short while. Any Catholic who is awake knows very clearly what is just around the corner: Persecution of the Church in America.
My point is this: The window for finding and getting in touch
with a priest is becoming narrower and narrower. And I'm genuinely concerned for the souls of people who have been away from God, who are maybe living in mortal sin or have committed them without repenting at the Sacrament of Confession. I can help put you in touch with a priest if need be - so please don't hesitate to contact me.
I'm stealing this from a priest, but it makes a very clear point:
"Many plan to ask God forgiveness at the 11th hour but die at 10:30...."
As Jesus warns us...
"You do not know the day or the hour..." [Matthew 25:13]
Go! Make haste! Heaven is waiting to rejoice...
